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Curbside Recycling to Expand

Nov 14th, 2006

Mobile's curbside recycling program for mixed paper will be expanded beginning the week of November 7. About 2,200 households will be added to the 2,500 households already participating in the program. The two pilot areas to be expanded include the Crestview neighborhood to the south and the Springhill area to the north. Residents in the new areas should have received a free recycling bin provided by Recycled Fibers.

According to Bob Haskins, Coordinator of Keep Mobile Beautiful, the program has diverted 623 tons of paper from the landfill at a savings of approximately $61,000 in collection and disposal costs. The program began in May 2005.

The weekly collection program is provided as a free community service by Recycled Fibers in partnership with Keep Mobile Beautiful and is not funded by the city.

Recycled Fibers will collect all grades of clean paper including newspapers, magazines, cardboard, phone books, old corrugated boxes, computer paper and other grades of mixed paper. Earth Resources, a local curbside recycling provider will be contracted to collect the paper.

Collection will begin in the new North Springhill expansion area on Tuesday, November 7.
Collection will begin in the Crestview/Skyline expansion area on Wednesday, November 8.
Collection for the new Springhill West area will begin on Thursday, November 9.
Existing collection areas will not change.

City Councilman Ben Brooks, who represents the Crestview area says, "I am excited about the participation of District 4 residents and I am thrilled that the program is being expanded. Thanks to all District 4 residents who have made the Pilot Program a success."

"The curbside recycling pilot program has worked wonderfully in District 7. People are excited about participating. Those who aren't part of the program now are anxious to get on board. I'm proud of what Keep Mobile Beautiful is doing to make our city a cleaner, more environmentally friendly place to live. I look forward to expanding the curbside program throughout the district." says City Councilmember Gina Gregory.

"We hope people will participate in this easy, curbside program," says Scott Seale, vice president and general manager of Recycled Fibers' southeast region. The company will use the material to help feed Mobile Paperboard to produce a product known as chip board that will be used in paper products such as cereal boxes, game boards and the backs of notepads.

For a PDF of Recycling Routes, click the files below:
Crestview Recycling Route
SpringHill Recycling Route
SpringHill West Recycling Route

For more information call Recycled Fibers at 432-1000 or visit

For media information contact:

Bob Haskins: 208-6026