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City of Mobile to Unveil New Home Where Drug Den Once Stood

Apr 29th, 2018

In the same place where a 50-year-old drug den once stood, the City of Mobile is unveiling a new home that will be available for rent as part of the City's ongoing effort to revitalize the Campground community. Utilizing funding from the federally funded HOME Program, the three bedroom, two bath house will provide additional affordable housing in the Campground neighborhood. Please join Mayor Stimpson, Michael Pierce, President of the MLK Redevelopment, Police Chief Battiste, Public Safety Director James Barber and other City officials to transfer the ownership of the home to Family Promise, Inc.

Who: Mayor Stimpson, Michael Pierce, MLK Redevelopment, Chief Battiste, Public Safety Director James Barber, Family Promise, Inc.
What: Transfer of Ownership Celebration
When: Monday, 10:30 am
Where: 1076 State Street
Why: "This is a significant milestone in the Campground community. After walking through this very block with Chief Barber, we made a promise to the neighborhood that we would come back to change it for the better. We remain committed to that promise and will continue to work in this community until it is restored to its historic significance." --Mayor Stimpson