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City of Mobile to spearhead trail project

Jan 21st, 2016

MOBILE, Ala. - The City of Mobile is spearheading efforts to build a twelve-mile greenway that would stretch from the University of South Alabama to Mobile Bay.

"For over 20 years, many Mobilians have dreamed that the Three Mile Creek corridor could be transformed from a degraded, underutilized waterway to a community asset that connects our community in a tangible and meaningful way," said Mayor Stimpson. "I am committed to working with businesses, nonprofits and our citizens to make this dream a reality."

Last week, the Mayor met with members of the Mobile Greenway Initiative to discuss next steps. The City is in the process of creating a clearinghouse of information, developing a strategic map for implementation and identifying funding opportunities.

"I want to thank the Mobile Greenway Initiative steering committee for all they have done to make this project a reality," said Mayor Stimpson. "It is time for the City to take the lead on this project and see it come to fruition."

The City is collaborating with public and private partners including Mobile Baykeeper, Partners for Environmental Progress, the Mobile County Health Department, Delta Bike Project, Chamber of Commerce, Village of Spring Hill, The J.L. Bedsole Foundation, The National Estuary Program, The National Parks Service, Thompson Engineering, The Mobile Airport Authority, Goodwill Mills and Cawood and many others.

The City is planning to hold quarterly meetings with the steering committee to ensure the process is transparent and engaging. Additionally, they will provide status updates on projects in the coming months as they begin to implement the trail.

The first section of Three Mile Creek is scheduled for construction this year. The project includes the installation of a 1.7 mile concrete trail, energy-efficient LED lighting, a fitness course, a boat launch, park benches, trash receptacles, water fountains and educational signage.

The City contracted Dorsey and Dorsey Engineering to complete the design and engineering for the plan. The trail system will begin at the southwest corner of the crossing of Three Mile Creek with MLK Avenue at the current site of the Roger Williams Homes and extend to West Ridge.

"This is a monumental first step to restore Three Mile Creek to its historic significance," said Mayor Stimpson. "Three Mile Creek was Mobile's drinking water source before World War II, and now it can once again connect communities throughout Mobile. This new trail will encourage fitness, beautify a vital waterway and educate citizens."