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City of Mobile to Illuminate Downtown Mobile

Feb 6th, 2017

Mobile, Ala. -- The City of Mobile is transforming the lights in Downtown Mobile. City staff will be replacing 163 existing high-pressure sodium street lights with energy efficient LED fixtures that will provide brighter lighting. The new lighting will emit a more natural daylight that will better illuminate the streets and sidewalks in the downtown area. The LED fixtures are also more cost and energy efficient.

This is a part of a greater effort to increase pedestrian safety and improve downtown streetscapes to encourage a more welcoming environment for downtown visitors and residents. The City is in the process of identifying additional projects and project sites that will further enhance these efforts.

"These new lights will establish a sense of safety, beautify our entertainment district and spotlight our local businesses," said Mayor Stimpson. "A brighter Downtown will create a more inviting experience for everyone who dines in our restaurants, strolls down our streets or shops in our stores."

Installation began this weekend and is expected to be complete by the end of the month.