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City of Mobile to create Three Mile Creek Greenway Trail Management Plan

Jan 10th, 2017

Mobile, Ala. -- The City of Mobile is creating a Three Mile Creek Greenway Trail Management Plan that will be the framework for the multi-model pathway. It will identify next steps, cost estimates, community benefits, easement needs and logical project section priorities.

The City will utilize the plan to foster community partnerships, seek grant funding for trail design and construction and effectively incorporate plan implementation into the Capital Improvement Plan.

Last year, Mayor Stimpson announced his plans to build a twelve-mile greenway that would stretch from the University of South Alabama to Mobile Bay. The City is now leading the planning and construction efforts that will use a phased approach that builds the trail in sections over time.

The Mobile City Council is expected to vote on the $46,530 professional services contract during Tuesday's regular City Council meeting. This includes a $20,000 Grant received from the Community Foundation of South Alabama. Pending Council approval, the management plan will be spearheaded by Moffatt & Nichol and is expected to be completed in June.

"This is a monumental step to restoring Three Mile Creek to its historic significance," said Mayor Stimpson. "Three Mile Creek was Mobile's drinking water source before World War II, and now it can once again connect communities throughout Mobile. This new trail will encourage fitness, beautify a vital waterway and educate citizens."