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City of Mobile demolishes four properties in one week

Apr 24th, 2015

MOBILE, Ala. - The City of Mobile on Friday demolished its 4th home this week as part of Mayor Sandy Stimpson's fight on blight campaign. This is the 8th home the City has demolished in April, with four more emergency demolitions currently scheduled.

"This is an important step in reclaiming our neighborhoods," said Mayor Stimpson. "Demolishing dangerous and abandoned buildings improves public safety and removes eyesores. It also makes room for new, livable homes for members of our community."

In order for a property to be slated for emergency demolition, it must pose a threat to human safety. Problem houses are identified through the Urban Development Department's neighborhood blight surveys as well as through 311 calls from citizens.

The derelict properties that are not deemed dangerous are categorized as nuisance abatement properties and must undergo a lengthy, legal process before they can be considered for demolition. There are currently 80 active properties in the nuisance abatement process throughout the city.

Under the Stimpson administration, the time table for a nuisance abatement home has been cut in half through a more streamlined process. Previously, properties would remain on the list for more than 9 months creating a backlog. Currently, properties are moving through the process in four to five months.

"I want to commend our Urban Development Department for cutting through red tape to speed up this process and deliver immediate results for the citizens we serve," said Stimpson. "We are taking back our city, one neighborhood and one house at a time."