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City Continues to Fight for Clean Waterway in Dog River

Jul 1st, 2013

The City of Mobile signals another step in the battle against litter reaching Dog River with the announcement of an agreement with the Dog River Clearwater Revival to install a new floating litter trap. The new trap will be placed near Hall’s Mill Road along Moore’s Creek, which is a tributary to Dog River. This trap will be vender-installed and larger than the first trap which is located on Eslava Creek.

The agreement is scheduled to be voted on by the Mobile City Council at their meeting on Tuesday, July 2, 2013. The trap will then be bid out with costs for the purchase and installation of the trap. As part of the agreement, the Dog River Clearwater Revival agrees to pay up to $75,000 of the cost. Costs to the city have not been determined.

These litter traps represent another initiative in the prevention of floatables from collecting and emptying into Dog River. Because much of Mobile falls under the Dog River Watershed, storm drains, intended to carry rainwater, also bring litter that is dropped throughout the city.