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City Awarded $1.9 Million Department of Energy Stimulus Grant

Sep 15th, 2009

The City of Mobile has been awarded a $1.9 million Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant from the Department of Energy under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. Desired outcomes of the EECBG program will include:

* Increased energy efficiency, reduced energy consumption and reduced energy cost through efficiency improvements in buildings, transportation and other appropriate sectors;

* Energy efficient improvements and conservation retrofitting of municipal buildings;

* The installation of energy efficient street lighting;

* The installation of a computerized control link system for ball field lighting and the replacement of the city’s automobile fleet with energy efficient hybrid vehicles and retrofitting other vehicles with alternative fuel systems.

These projects will either create or retain a total of 31 jobs in Mobile. City officials say cost savings from these projects will be used to implement and sustain additional energy efficient projects.

The Recovery Act’s purposes are to stimulate the economy and to create and retain jobs.