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City Announces EADS Casa Expansion

Dec 2nd, 2008

Mayor Sam Jones announced and the Mobile City Council approved an agreement with EADS Casa for the expansion of their existing production, maintenance and modification facility at Bates Field and for the development of a new training facility. Casa’s capital investment for the expansion will be approximately $6.2 Million with an additional as-of-yet undetermined amount for the new training center.

EADS Casa will be required to create and maintain a certain level of new full-time jobs. There is a ramp-up period from December 2008 through November 2014 within which EADS Casa must increase its current workforce of 18 to a new level of 58. In addition to achieving this job level during the ramp-up period, Casa must maintain the job level for a maintenance period of three years.

"This is another great expansion of Mobile's place in the global aerospace market," said Mayor Jones. "We are very happy to continue our relationship with EADS Casa, and we look forward to further expansions in the future."