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Can the Litter Logo Design Winner Selected

Mar 27th, 2007

Beginning next month, the City will officially begin our campaign to clean up the City, entitled “Let’s Can the Litter” . We will strategically place over 200 litter cans in our highest trafficked areas throughout the City. Each Council District will see these cans in their respective areas in an effort to keep our neighborhoods, our communities, and our City free from litter. In our search for a great logo to promote our campaign, we turned to some people who will be highly affected by our cleaner communities, our school children.

Out of over 300 entries, one student’s design epitomized the kind of community that we want to have as a result of this litter campaign. Maria Trejo, a third grader from Old Shell Road School of Creative & Performing Arts was selected the winner.

Maria was joined by her family, her teacher Dawn Davis, Principal Syndey Halladay and her gifted education class to a recent Council Meeting to be recognized for her achievement.

Maria was rewareded with a prize package for creating the winning design in our contest.

In her prize pack, Maria received:

A four pack of tickets to the Exploreum,

A solar powered rainbow maker,

A $25 gift certificate to Toys R Us,

A four pack of tickets to see the movie of her choice at Hollywood Theatres,

An earth friendly tote bag,


A certificate from the City of Mobile for her being the top prize winner in our logo contest.