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Board Development Workshop Offered by NRCA

Aug 31st, 2004

The Nonprofit Resource Center of Alabama is sponsoring "Strengthening The Board-Executive Director Relationship", a workshop presented by Dr. Sandra Hughes, Ed.D., who is a nationally-known governance consultant for nonprofit boards and senior management and an Associate Governance Consultant with BoardSource, a Washington, D.C.-based organization acclaimed for its comprehensive board training programs.

The workshop will be held Thursday, September 16 at the Mobile Chamber of Commerce from 9:00am-3:00pm.

"Today, more than ever, the board of directors of nonprofit organizations and their executive directors must serve together in an ongoing partnership if an organization's mission is to be achieved. Building a strong and productive relationship between them is crucial for an organization's effectiveness in providing its programs and services," said Melisa Yeend, NRCA's local Director-Membership Services and Training.

"We are excited about Ms. Hughes coming to the Mobile Area to present this special workshop. It can benefit all of our area's nonprofits. During the day-long session, she will help participants create a shared context for the nonprofit's leadership governance team by reviewing the respective roles of the board and the organization's executive director; explore the structural and working relationships between and among the board, the board chair and the executive director; and identify ways in which to promote accountability at the board and executive director level."

The fee for the workshop is $80 for NRCA members and $160 for non-members. This includes admission for both an organization's board chair and executive director as well as lunch. More information is available and registrations may be made at NRCA's website, or by calling 1-888-466-4777. Space is limited. To obtain more information about the workshop, individuals may call Melisa Yeend at 786-2179.

Prior to her work as a consultant and facilitator, Dr. Hughes held a variety of senior management positions with nonprofit organizations, foundations and universities, including BoardSource, the United States Rowing Association, the American Bar Association, George Williams College, Levi Strauss & Company, the Levi Strauss Foundation and the University of Tennessee. She received her. B. A. degree from the University of Maryland and holds a Master's Degree and a Doctorate from Northern Illinois University.