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Hurricane Debris Cleanup

Sep 28th, 2004

City of Mobile trash crews have joined private contractors hired by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to clean up the huge amount of debris left behind by Hurricane Ivan. Monday, September 20th crews began collecting trees, broken limbs, leaves and pine straw that littered lawns and streets after the storm.

The City of Mobile joined Mobile County and other municipalities to contract with the Corps to hire Phillips and Jordan Incorporated to remove the hurricane debris from public rights-of-way throughout the county. Phillips and Jordan was instrumental in cleaning up Ground Zero in New York City following 9-11. The company will have as many as 22 teams of contractors working in various zones to remove the mountains of debris now piled high in front of nearly every home in the city and county.

"Clearing the city of all the debris will take a long time, possibly three or four months," said Mayor Mike Dow. The reason according to Dow is the tremendous amount of trash. City officials estimate there is more than 700,000 cubic yards of litter left in the wake of Ivan. "But, rest assured, we will get the debris cleared. Crews will come to neighborhoods three to six times-whatever it takes. We ask our citizens to be patient with us as we begin this process."

To help speed things up, 13 Mobile trash crews are collecting debris in the area east of I-65 to the Mobile River and north of Airport Blvd. Private contractors hired by the Corps of Engineers will handle the rest of the city.

Here are guidelines for Hurricane Debris Removal:
  • Separate lawn debris from household and construction debris (the collection process will be faster if the debris is separated).
  • DO NOT include any household garbage in the debris.
  • Debris will be collected from public rights of way ONLY.
  • Do not cover or block fire hydrants, mailboxes, drainage areas, streets or roads.
  • All debris goes on the curb-NOT in the street.
  • Adhere to the NO BURN BAN.
  • Only hurricane debris is eligible for removal.

To access information on removal, please call the automated telephone line at (251) 574-7777.