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America's Walk for Diabetes

Oct 6th, 2003

A Message from Mayor Mike Dow:

I am honored to be the Corporate Chairman for America's Walk for Diabetes this year. As Chairman, I challenge every City of Mobile employee, and resident to be part of the effort to help fight diabetes.

We believe that one of the greatest weapons in this fight is knowledge. The American Diabetes Association is committed to ensuring that persons with diabetes have the best care possible, utilizing the most recent information available and in improving the lives of persons with diabetes. That is why I have joined the American Diabetes Association in their annual walk-will you join me?

Did you know that every 24 hours in America:
* 2,700 people are diagnosed with diabetes? That’s 112 people per hour.
* 1,200 people die from diabetes? That’s 50 per hour.
* 180 amputations are performed because of diabetes? That’s seven people per hour.
* 120 people began treatment for end-stage kidney disease because of diabetes?
* 75 people lose their eyesight because of diabetes?
* 575 people will die of diabetes and its complications?
* People with diabetes are two to four times more likely to suffer a heart attack or stroke than people without diabetes?
* Today-17-million people suffer with diabetes.

This year's 3 mile walk is Saturday, October 11, 2003 at Langan Park. I hope you will join us to walk and be part of this fight against diabetes.