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A Message from Mayor Stimpson - August 13

Aug 13th, 2020

Posted in: MayorCOVID-19

Good evening,


It is 7 p.m. on Thursday, August 13 and I am writing to give you an update from the City of Mobile.


As of tonight, the Mobile County Health Department reports a total of 10,895 COVID-19 positive patients, an increase of 72 patients from yesterday's report. There are a total of 229 patients that have died as a result of COVID-19. For a detailed look at today's data click here.


Often, as I engage with Mobilians, I'm asked the question, "What can I do to help, Mayor?" Over the last few months part of my answer was suggesting that they stay healthy by embracing the COVID-19 guidelines that we have put forth. While that is still important, there is something else that you can do.


Right now, because of the combination of the pandemic and social unrest, there are people living in other places who are determined to leave - think California, New York, Chicago - and find a better place to live. There are those who, if given the opportunity and possibly a better understanding of the opportunity, would move their business to Mobile. Comparatively, Mobile has fared better than many cities and we have a very bright future.


On Monday, I had a conversation with the President and CEO of a company located on Long Island, New York. Essentially, he and his family were at wits' end with the business climate, pandemic and social unrest. With the cost of doing business getting to be cost-prohibitive, he is moving his company to the Mobile area. His wife has already bought a house here.


On Tuesday, I talked with the Executive VP of BendPak, a Santa Paula, California-based manufacturer producing automobile lifts, pipe benders, air compressors and other auto shop equipment. He offered to share with me the analytical data about Mobile which he used in making his decision to expand here. They became operational in April and already have plans to expand their Theodore operation. Thus far, they are thrilled with the progress they are making in Mobile.


Yesterday, Arcelor Mittal made a huge announcement regarding a half billion-dollar expansion to their facility in Calvert. The construction jobs and the follow-on permanent jobs are going to bring greater prosperity to Mobile.


Do you see what I see? Yes, across America there is a crisis due to the pandemic and the civil unrest. Prior to the crisis, Mobile was open for business. During the crisis, others are realizing we're still open for business. For those who may be thinking about locating their business to Mobile, they can rest assured that we are going to stay open for business!


Right now, the majority of you reading this letter know of an individual or company who would be better off living or being in Mobile rather than where they are currently. For some, moving to Mobile may be the opportunity of a lifetime. When lifetime opportunities present themselves, they need to be seized during the lifetime of the opportunity. Doors of opportunity will close.


My challenge to each of you is to think about this, then pick up the phone or get on the computer and tell whoever it is that you're thinking about that NOW is the time to seriously consider moving to Mobile.


Let me know if you get a fish on the line. We'll help reel 'em in.