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2004 Business Expo and Jobs Fair Announced

Mar 28th, 2004

In the spring of 1999, residents of Mobile and surrounding counties realized the benefits of the 1st Jobs Fair sponsored by the South Alabama Regional Planning Commission and the City of Mobile.

At that first one of a kind event, thirty five hundred job seekers came to the Mobile Civic Center in search of employment.

There were 75+ businesses on hand from our community who had set up displays and were ready to discuss employment opportunities with the 3500 job seekers. That arrangement provided one on one interaction between our communities’ workforce and the business community.

On May 7, 2004 the 6th Annual Business Expo/Jobs Fair will take place in the Mobile Civic Center, only this time bigger and in a slightly different form. In addition to Job opportunities, the Exposition will allow businesses to network with community leaders, and to showcase and market their products and services.

Due to the previous success of this event and the support it brings to our community, sponsorship has more than doubled.

This years sponsors are SARPC, City of Mobile, Carrabba’s Italian Grill, Alabama Department of Senior Services, Specialty Transmission, Mobile Works and the Malaga Inn.

The increased sponsorship attests to the fact that this annual Jobs Fair is one of the most important community services provided to the citizens in our region, as well as good networking, recruiting and screening opportunities for the business community.

Voncille H. Thomas, Director of Employment and Economic Development for SARPC and the organizer for the Jobs Fair, believes that this is the only time and place where job seekers can meet with over 100 employers in one day at one location.

Those employers who have participated in the Jobs Fair tell us that recruiting and screening experienced applicants are only a part of the benefits they have realized, stated Mrs. Thomas.

The South Alabama Regional Planning Commission and the City of Mobile are very proud to have been sponsors for the Jobs Fair for the past six years, and are even more proud of the new sponsors.

However, none of this could be possible without the participation of our business community. This 6th Business Expo and Jobs Fair will have approximately 125 businesses from Mobile and the surrounding areas that have realized the need for this service and have taken a stand to participate and demonstrate their support for the citizens of our community.

So if you are a job seeker, or if you are a business owner, you will want to be at the Mobile Civic Center on Friday, May 7, 2004. The Business Expo/Jobs Fair will begin at 9:00 a.m. and will end at 2:00 p.m.

For additional information please call Voncille H. Thomas at (251) 433-6541 or visit our web site at and click on 6th Annual Business Expo/Jobs Fair.