Judge Holmes Whiddon
Judge Holmes Whiddon
Judge Holmes Whiddon earned his undergraduate BA Degree from the University of South Alabama in 1972 with a Major in Political Science and Minor in Economics. While at USA he served as President of the Political Science Association, was a member of the Scholarship Committee, Debate Team, and a Senator in the Student Government Association. Judge Whiddon earned his Doctorate of Jurisprudence Degree from Cumberland School of Law in Birmingham, Alabama. Following his graduation in 1976, he returned to his hometown of Mobile, Alabama and began his private practice of law representing clients in criminal law, civil cases, workman compensation, probate and domestic relations. He was admitted to practice before all courts in the State of Alabama, the U.S. District Court for the Southern District and the U.S. Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals.
Judge Whiddon served as a part-time judge for the Saraland Municipal Court from 1986 through 2006. He also served as a part-time judge for Mobile’s Environmental Court beginning in 1993 through 2006.
Judge Whiddon was appointed as a full-time judge for the City of Mobile in 2006 and continues to serve as the Presiding Judge of Mobile Municipal Court.
He was elected to serve as President of the Alabama Municipal Judges Association for 2001 and 2003; and was elected to serve an additional term as President for the years 2013 and 2014. Judge Whiddon also served on the Courts Legislative Planning Committee
During his tenures as Environmental Court Judge and as President of the Alabama Municipal Judges Association he was a frequent presenter and lecturer at judicial and court clerk seminars and the Alabama Judicial College. Judge Whiddon provided seminar presentations on topics of:
- Ethical Responsibilities of Municipal Judges
- Judges Duties for Arraignments in Municipal Court
- New DUI Interlock Law and Mandatory Procedures for Municipal Judges
- Fair Trial Tax Fund and Accountability
- Environmental Court Practices that Benefit Communities and Cities
- Effect of Blight and Litter on Neighborhoods - Quality of Life and Economic Development
- Sentencing Jurisdiction for the Municipal Courts of Alabama
- Contempt Hearings – Common Mistakes and Errors in Procedure
- New Duties of Municipal Judges and the Bail Bond Fees
- Urban Blight and the Importance of Ordinances
- Due Process Protections and Requirements of the Judicial Inquiry Commission
Judge Whiddon was recognized as a community leader by Mobile Community Action, Inc. and was one of the recipients of the 2015 Community Achievement Award, “Celebrating Unsung Sheroes and Heroes.” He is a lifetime member of the USA Alumni Association, member of the Mid-Town Optimist Club and former member of the Board of Directors for the South Alabama Alumni Association.
He held past section memberships with the Alabama Bar Association and Mobile Bar Association in the Environmental Law Section, Criminal Law Section, Juvenile Justice Committee, Probate Court Section, Domestic Relations Section, District Court Committee and Admiralty Committee.
Judge Whiddon currently holds memberships in the Alabama State Bar and Mobile Bar
Associations, the Paul Brock Chapter of American Inns of Court and the Municipal Judges Legislative Planning Committee. He is a frequent speaker at neighborhood association meetings and City Council community meetings.
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