Mobile's New Arena
After years of planning and feedback from local stakeholders, the City of Mobile has torn down the obsolete Mobile Civic Center and will soon begin constructing a world-class entertainment arena suited for concerts, family shows, and sporting events of all kinds.
This new facility has been uniquely designed to support Mobile’s Mardi Gras traditions while also providing a state-of-the-art event venue capable of bringing in major acts that previously drove through the Port City en route to other destinations. Structurally, functionally, and aesthetically, the New Arena will meet the requirements to host modern concerts, performances, and a variety of sports — including ice hockey. It will allow Mobile to host top-billed entertainment that could not be accommodated in the former Civic Center.
The New Arena has been designed with countless features thoughtfully planned to provide exceptional experiences, including retail spaces, luxury suites, VIP clubs, premium seating, great sightlines, and dynamic acoustics. Flexible seating and layout options will also allow the New Arena to easily accommodate a wide range of activities, from dance recitals and pageants to major events with up to 10,000 spectators. The design also includes multiple ballrooms capable of hosting events of all sizes — offering greater flexibility for Mardi Gras balls, local events, and creating additional spaces for conventions.
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Partnering with the Best to Create the Best
To ensure the highest level of programming and customer experience, the City of Mobile has partnered with Oak View Group (OVG) to operate and manage the New Arena. As the global leader in live experience venue development, management, and premium hospitality, OVG is a natural partner for this effort. To ensure the New Arena meets the highest industry standards, OVG was engaged with the city’s project team throughout the planning and design process.
OVG owns and operates a wide range of venues worldwide, including stadiums, arenas, theaters, convention centers, and cultural attractions. Through its multi-year operational agreement with the City of Mobile, OVG is managing the Mobile Convention Center, the Saenger Theatre, and the New Arena. Together with Live Nation, the largest event promoter in the world, OVG intends to make Mobile a destination for live entertainment in the Southeast.
How much will this project cost?
The budget for the overall project is approximately $300 million. This includes the cost of demolishing the former Civic Center Arena, Theatre, and Expo Hall, as well as the construction of the New Arena and the road and utility work that will support future developments on the property.
In February 2025, B.L. Harbert International was awarded a $237 million contract to construct the New Arena. B.L. Harbert is an internationally known construction firm with years of experience building large arenas and venues. The Alabama-based company has strong ties to Mobile, as it built the Arthur Outlaw Convention Center and is currently working on the new medical school at the University of South Alabama.
How is the city financing the project?
This project is being financed through cash contributions from the City of Mobile, project partners, proceeds from municipal bonds, and other unique funding sources. There will also be several sponsorship opportunities for local and national companies as part of the project.
In March 2025, the city went to market with a $250 million bond issue to finance the construction of the New Arena project. This bond issue is the first new debt added to the city’s bottom line since 2013. In those 12 years, the city has aggressively paid down legacy debt — removing more than $201 million of debt from the city’s books while building a two-month operating reserve and making major investments in city programs and infrastructure. The city is currently on track to have all legacy debt paid off by 2030.
Because of its strong financial position, Moody’s and Standard & Poor’s issued high-grade ratings for the city and gave it a stable outlook. As a result, the bond issue to finance the New Arena’s construction is well within the city's ability to repay. Together with the Mobile City Council, the Stimpson administration has created a manageable debt service plan that will not impact any public services or prevent future investments in capital needs across the city.
When will the project be completed?
With a two-year construction timeline, the New Arena is expected to break ground Spring 2025 and open in early 2027. The contractor and project management team are both determined to have the arena available for events during the 2027 Mardi Gras season.
What happened to the Mosaics in the foyer of the Civic Center arena?
Conrad Albrizio’s mosaic masterpieces, “Mardi Gras” and “Circus,” have been preserved! The mosaics, completed in 1965, were the last murals Albrizio created before his death in the early 1970s. These incredible mosaics will be prominently featured in the New Arena
Is the City of Mobile building a new theater on the Civic Center site?
The master plan for the entire Civic Center property includes provisions for a theater. The construction of the New Arena will also introduce some of the initial infrastructure, roads, and utility access needed to accommodate a theater.
We are fortunate that the demolition, bidding, and bonding process for the New Arena have remained within budget. However, the city is not able to take on a new theater project simultaneously. Constructing a proper Broadway-style theater could cost well over $100 million, and taking on a project of that scale simultaneously with the New Arena could negatively impact both projects. Additionally, it would require assuming a level of debt service that could strain critical city operations or divert resources from other important projects.
City leaders recognize that this creates challenges for the many great organizations that have historically used the Civic Center theater. We will continue to find ways to accommodate recitals, performances, and other local events while the New Arena is under construction. We will need everyone’s patience and flexibility, but working together, we will find a way to make these needed improvements. As part of the planning for this project, the City is also committed to investing in improvements to the Saenger Theatre to accommodate a broader range of events and performances.
Latest Update
March 14, 2025 — With the financing of the project in place and a signed construction contract, B.L. Harbert International will soon begin mobilizing on the site, with a groundbreaking expected soon.
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