GIS Department Maps and Data
The City of Mobile’s GIS Department has created an Information Package containing maps and data for the 2017 Elections. To order, please contact the Office of the City Clerk at (251) 208-7411 or
Land Use Maps City Wide Maps
City Wide Council Districts (11x17)
City Wide Council Districts (36x48)
City Wide Wards (11x17)
City Wide Wards (36x48)
Age under 18 (8.5x11)
Age 18 and over (8.5x11)
Age 65 and over (8.5x11)
High School education or higher (11x17)
Total population (11x17)
Percentage of white population (11x17)
Percentage of black population (11x17)
Household median income (11x17)
Council District (1-7) Maps
Council Districts (11x17)
Council Districts (36x48)
Council District Wards (11x17)
Voting age (11x17)
High School education or higher (11x17)
Total population (11x17)
Percentage of white population (11x17)
Percentage of black population (11x17)
Household median income (11x17)
City wide land use index (36x48)
Building land use maps by Section, Township and Range in each District (11x17)
City Wide Data
Church list by Council District
Field Descriptions:
COUNCIL DISTRICT - District in which the Church is located
NAME - Name of the Church
ADDRESS - Full address
ZIP CODE - Zip Code where the Church is located
PHONE - Phone number to the Church
Subdivision List by Council District
Field Descriptions:
COUNCIL DISTRICT - District in which the subdivision is located
PARENT - The Parent name of the subdivision
Council District (1-7) Data
Multi Residential Addresses (ex: apartments)
Field Descriptions:
ADDRESS - Full address
HSN - House number
ROAD NAME - Complete street name
UNIT NO. - Unit number
ZIP CODE - Zip code in which the address is located
Population Data (Wards & Council Districts)
Total population (Black, White & Other)
Voting Age Population (Black, White & Other)
In This Section