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Rising Fuel Cost Could Spell Disaster

May 21st, 2008

May 21, 2008 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE (SH2008-45) FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION R. Steve Huffman Public Information Officer (251) 208-2857/Fax: (251) 208-2861 E-Mail: RISING FUEL COST COULD SPELL DISASTER Rising fuel prices and the approaching hurricane season could spell potential disaster. More and more people are beginning to purchase generators in preparation of storm related power outages and because of rising gas prices they may be storing large quantities of fuel to beat those rising prices. Residents who store large amounts of gasoline or other fuels in preparation for hurricane season could be sitting on a time bomb. Anyone who stockpiles gasoline in makeshift drums or containers, pose an enormous life safety hazard to the community and responders. When storing gasoline it is important that it be stored in approved containers. Storing gasoline or other flammable fuels in non-spill proof containers, soda bottles or milk bottles is illegal and dangerous. If storing large quantities of fuel residents should invest in storage cabinets designated for flammable material storage. If fuel cannot be stored in a flammable storage cabinet then residents should not store more than 5 gallons of fuel at a time to prevent any disasters from occurring. Bulk storage of fuel requires an inspection and permit from the fire department. Make certain fuel is not stored near any open flames. Fuel should not be stored inside a home. Regardless of the fuel location, an ABC Multi-purpose or CO2 fire extinguisher should be hung on the outside of a building where fuels are stored. Any electrical fixtures should be “explosion proof” (sealed) and wired in sealed conduit to prevent vapors from coming into contact with electrical sparks. Here are more tips to consider: • Be aware of Static Electricity - This can build up on you and/or the container. ANY spark can ignite gasoline vapors! • Store fuel only in approved Fuel storage containers. • Prohibit smoking or carrying of smoking materials near your fuel storage area. • Ground the container before filling. • Unless vented cap do not fill all the way to the top, Allow for expansion of fuel. • Store Fuel away from living area. • Store Fuel away from running generator. • If storing fuel in an enclosed area allow for proper venting. • Do not operate generator in enclosed area especially where fuel is stored. • Gasoline fuel vapors are heavier than air so if vapors are present their will be a concentration of vapor near the floor. • Promptly clean up any spills. • Do not fill the gas tank on a generator that is running. • Do not fill the gas tank on a generator that is hot. Allow generator to cool. • Consider how you are going to get your fuel into the generator tank. Refuel on flat ground. ###