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Pull Right for Sirens and Lights

Jun 28th, 2007

June 27, 2007 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE (SH2007-46) FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION R. Steve Huffman Public Information Officer (251) 208-2857/Fax: (251) 208-2861 E-Mail: PULL RIGHT FOR SIRENS & LIGHTS We all share the responsibility of knowing and practicing proper driving behaviors. One of the most important "rules of the road" deals with yielding the right of way to emergency vehicles. Each day, emergency vehicles respond to urgent requests from the public. The call may be for a person that has stopped breathing, a fire alarm, or a car accident. It is the concern of all Emergency Services that response time for services be minimized. Precious minutes lost while enroute to an emergency that could be the difference between life and death. With the advent of new sound-proof cars, high-decibel stereo systems, cell phones, and unfortunately, drivers who simply don't care about anyone but themselves, the idea of getting to an emergency scene fast is very difficult. Many times we are often faced with drivers who can't see or hear us. This creates an incredibly frustrating situation for the emergency vehicle driver, as they weave their way through traffic. All drivers must know their responsibilities when approached by an emergency vehicle with its red lights flashing or siren sounding which Alabama law states: Upon the immediate approach of an authorized emergency vehicle equipped with at least one lighted lamp and audible signal as is required by law, the driver of every other vehicle shall immediately drive to a position parallel to, and as close as possible to, the right-hand edge or curb of the roadway clear of any intersection and shall stop and remain in such position until the authorized emergency vehicle has passed, except when otherwise directed by a police officer. What Drivers Should Do: • Remain calm. • Don't panic! • Pull to the right and come to a stop. • When on a high-speed road or when there is no room to stop, slow down as much as possible. • When in the left lane, pull over into the right lane as the traffic in the lane to your right moves over. • If you cannot move to the right because of an obstacle such as a car to your right, simply stop but do not block roadway. • Your prompt action will let the driver of the emergency vehicle know what you are doing; it will allow the driver to anticipate where to drive. • When an emergency vehicle approaches you from behind while you are stationary at an intersection stop sign or traffic light, do not move unless you can pull to the right. What Drivers Should NOT Do: • Don't stop in the middle lane when there is room to pull to the right. • Don't pull to the left in the center lane or left turn lane. • Don't drive through a red light or stop sign when an emergency vehicle approaches from behind. • Don't turn quickly to the left into a driveway or street. • Don't race ahead to get through a green light or turn before the emergency vehicle gets there. • Don't disregard the presence of the emergency vehicle by continuing to drive. ###