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Mobile Man Escapes House Fire Unharmed

Sep 6th, 2000

September 6, 2000 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE (SH100056) FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION R. Steve Huffman Public Information Officer (334) 208-5806/Fax: (334) 208-5813 E-Mail: MOBILE MAN ESCAPES HOUSE FIRE UNHARMED A Mobile Man living at 2061 Faye Street escaped unharmed from this morning, Wednesday, September 6, 2000, from his one-story wood frame, brick veneer home. The call for help was received at approximately 4:08 a.m. and firefighters first arrived at approximately 4:13 a.m. David Lee Walker, 34, told Fire Investigators he was washing clothes when the circuit breaker in the living room tripped. When he went to set the breaker he saw that the curtains over the east living room wall were on fire. Walker then left the house by the rear door and called 911 by cell phone. The fire appears to have originated in the Northeast corner of the living room and extended up to the ceiling and out the window on the East wall of the living room. There was further extension into the hallway to the South and there were various degrees of heat and smoke damage throughout the structure. Estimated damage is $50 thousand. The fire is being ruled accidental possibly electrical in nature. No injuries were reported in the fire that engines 9, 16, 20, truck 24, rescue 24 and District 4 Chief Bill Glisson responded too. ###