Mobile Firefighters Respond to Ammonia Leak
Aug 24th, 2000
August 24, 2000
R. Steve Huffman
Public Information Officer
(334) 208-5806/Fax: (334) 208-5813
Firefighters and Hazardous Materials Technicians from Mobile Fire-Rescue Department responded to an Ammonia leak in Grand Bay this morning, Thursday, August 24, 2000. Grand Bay Volunteer Fire Department made the request for assistance at approximately 3:38 a.m. The leak occurred at McMillian-Harrison Fertilizer Company located at 5745 Dawes Road between Ben Hamliton Road and Grand Bay-Wilmer Road. It is suspected that someone may have been attempting to steal the Ammonia therefore causing the leak to occur. Haz Mat Technicians suited up and made entry into the hazardous area at approximately 5:00 a.m. discovered they would not be able to shut the off the leak because the valve was damaged between the valve and tank. It was decided at that time to let the remainder of the product leak out. There was no immediate threat or danger in the area. There were approximately 3 houses in the area and firefighters went to them and notified residents of the situation allowing them to make their own decision to evacuate or not. The large cylinder contained approximately 30 tons of Ammonia when at full capacity. When Mobile Firefighters and Haz Mat Technicians arrived the cylinder was at approximately 30% capacity, which is approximately 6-7 tons. The leak was contained at approximately 6:39 a.m. and Dawes Road was reopened to traffic at that time. Ammonia is a corrosive material that can cause burns to the eyes, skin, and respiratory tract. It can also cause blindness and exposure to high levels may be fatal. The Ammonia is stored in a liquefied compressed gas and turns to vapor when released into the air. No injuries were reported.
Engine 15, truck 10, Haz Mat 15, rescue 6, District 4 Chief Harold Miller and 3 units from Grand Bay Volunteer Fire Department responded. Mobile County Sheriff's Department handled traffic control.