On April 5th, MFRD Communications received a 911 call from a mother and father after having found their adult son unconscious and not breathing in the family home. Communications Officer LaTangela Hubbard received the call, and " . . . for what felt like an eternity" to the parents, attempted to keep them calm and focused as she talked them through performing CPR on their unconscious son until crews on Engine 22 and Rescue 22 arrived to take over care.
The call lasted approximately 7 minutes, 15 seconds, and after some initial information gathering from a justifiably frantic and worried mother, it took only about 4 minutes for the crews to be dispatched and arrive on scene. By the time care of the patient was transferred from MFRD to hospital emergency staff, the 30-year old patient was awake and speaking coherently.
Fire Chief Mark Sealy and MFRD are proud to recognize and present the Life Saving Award to:
FSD Douglas Waddell
FF Jason Carpenter
FSD Earl Jordan
FF Eddie Lee Scott
FSD Paula Trimmier
RCO LaTangela Hubbard
MFRD Announces Death of Deputy Chief Alexander G. Trenier
Jonathan R. Jeffrey Named January Firefighter of the Month
Derrick Johnson Named December Firefighter of the Month
Mobile Fire-Rescue Department Dedicates Its First Baby Box