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June Firefighter of the Month

Jun 26th, 2008

June 26, 2008 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE (SH2008-54) FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION R. Steve Huffman Public Information Officer (251) 208-2857/Fax: (251) 208-2861 E-Mail: JUNE FIREFIGHTER OF THE MONTH Firefighter Kenny Newman, 49, a veteran of the department with over 23 years has a vast knowledge and experience of his job and it was this knowledge, experience and actions on May 10, 2008 that earned him June’s Firefighter of the Month. Newman and his fellow crew members on Ladder Truck 5 were dispatched to a vehicle accident with a victim injured and trapped at the intersection of Downtowner and Michael Boulevards. Upon arrival on the scene with a plan of action in place, the firefighters discovered a vehicle sitting on its side resting with the roof deck against an oak tree. Newman took charge of the extrication and displayed extreme knowledge of what had to be accomplished. The critically injured patient inside the vehicle was pinned by the dashboard, roof deck and center console. All the firefighters on the scene worked frantically together, almost to the point of exhaustion, to free the patient. No matter what technique tried they couldn’t free the patient. It seemed that sheer dogged determination and the leadership that Newman provided through his vast knowledge of the tools he uses on a daily basis and his many years of experience in the field all contributed to the success of this extremely complex extrication. Newman was presented the award by the Pleasant Valley Opportunity Club, who sponsors the program, on Wednesday, June 25. ###