MFRD proudly presents FF Christian Williams with a Lifesaving Award.
On Jan. 16, 2021, Engine 26 was dispatched to Thomas Rd for one suffering cardiac arrest. Upon arriving on scene, E26 discovered a 65-year old female patient in cardiac arrest. The arrest was witnessed by family members, who performed CPR until E26 arrived.
Engine 26 assumed CPR while awaiting the arrival of an advanced life support (ALS) rescue unit. All other units in the area were assigned to other emergency calls. Rescue 19 (Azalea Rd) was the nearest ALS unit and was on the way with a delayed response.
Knowing that the nearest rescue truck was still miles away, FF Williams, who is an Advanced EMT, immediately assessed the patient and jumped to action. Utilizing the tools available, Williams successfully inserted a blind insertion airway device, obtained intraosseous (IO) access for drug therapy, and administered 1 defibrillation shock via cardiac monitor.
Rescue 19 rushed to the scene and immediately delivered the adequate cardiac drugs. Upon return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC), the patient was transported to the nearest hospital without delay. As MFRD crews were departing the hospital, the patient still had a viable pulse and heart rhythm.
FF Williams shines brightly on most every shift, but his competence and confidence at this event serve as a special example.
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