The Mobile Fire-Rescue Department celebrates the addition of 19 new paramedic firefighters to its ranks. Nineteen Mobile firefighters embarked on a more than year-long journey in an intensive educational and skill-based emergency medical paramedic program.
The full-time program, instituted by Coastal Alabama Community College (CACC), allowed students to enhance their understanding and obtain new skills as emergency pre-hospital care providers.
The new paramedic firefighters spent more than a year obtaining the skills, knowledge, and confidence necessary to provide basic and advanced life-saving medical interventions. CACC’s program pushed the EMS students through months of rigorous classroom lectures, online assessments, hands-on labs and proctored stations, simulating practical application of skills, along with clinical rotations and ambulance ride outs for real-time, in-the-field experience.
With the support of the Mobile Fire-Rescue Department administration, paramedic students were allowed the opportunities to study, train, and gain vital experience while continuing their regular firefighter duties. On Friday, December 17th, Coastal Alabama Community held a graduation ceremony for the 19 paramedic candidates:
Adam Beeson
Derrick Butler
Ross Butler
Dakota Chancery
Bradley Clark
Deounte Coleman
James Haymer
Lauren Hunt
Chase Ludlam
Zachary McKinnon
Steven Millhouse
John Mullen
Krysten Richard
Michael Stallworth
James Thompson
Caleb Watson
Montana Wilkins
Christian Williams
Jianna Williams
Fire Chief Jeremy Lami commended, “We couldn’t be any more proud of their tremendous accomplishment. These firefighters made the commitment to improve themselves, which will in-turn help to improve our Department for the betterment of our communities. Ultimately, that’s why we’re here – for the protection and betterment of our city. These new paramedics are going to move us forward in providing quality care and service for the citizens of Mobile.”
The group marks the largest, single class of Mobile Fire-Rescue Department personnel to complete paramedic program in 25 years.
Following receipt of national and state certifications and licenses, the paramedics will receive their new field assignments to continue providing quality care for the citizens of Mobile.
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