The Mobile Fire-Rescue Department (MFRD) announces Firefighter Matthew Norton as the June 2021 Firefighter of the Month. Firefighter Norton began his career with MFRD in 2018.
On Saturday, June 26, 2021, while driving on County Road 86 in Baldwin County, off-duty Firefighter Norton came upon an off-road vehicle accident involving nine (9) patients. Firefighter Norton immediately jumped to action, assisting Medstar Paramedic Supervisor Chad Jones, in assessing and triaging patients, two of which were transported by air. The accident resulted in one (1) fatality. Firefighter Norton’s actions had a direct result on a positive outcome for the majority of the patients at the tragic scene.
These selfless actions were performed off-duty, further proving Firefighter Matthew Norton is a servant who is committed to the safety of our community.
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