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January Firefighter of the Month

Mar 5th, 2008

March 5, 2008 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE (SH2008-15) FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION R. Steve Huffman Public Information Officer (251) 208-2857/Fax: (251) 208-2861 E-Mail: JANUARY FIREFIGHTER OF THE MONTH On December 29, 2007, Engine 19, located at Azalea Road and Highway 90, were dispatched to Moore Creek off Highway 90 for an assistance call. While the firefighters were responding to the call they were advised by fire alarm operators that additional information had been received advising there were two women who had been playing in the creek and were now stuck and could not get out. Once the firefighters arrived on the scene they discovered there were three young girls ages 9, 11 and 13 that had been playing in the water. The 9 and 11 year olds were swept away by the swift current and ended up in a culvert just under Highway 90 in waist deep water. The crew of engine 19 called for the technical rescue team to respond. One firefighter was instructed to get a safety line, rescue disc and life jackets off the truck. In the meantime Firefighter Lee Smith, 40, a veteran with over a year on the department, could hear the girls crying for help but could not see them. Smith immediately donned a life jacket and stripped out of his bunker pants in preparation for rescue. Another firefighter tied off the safety line to a railing over the culvert. Smith then tied the other end of the line to himself. One firefighter held the line while Smith made his way down the embankment to the water’s edge. As he got to the edge the girls managed to make their way to him and he lifted each of them up to the other firefighters waiting on the bank. Both girls were then transported by an awaiting rescue truck to a local hospital for observation. Captain Chris Austin recommended Smith for the January Firefighter of the Month because he felt his quick actions that day played a huge part in the successful removal of those young girls to safety. The program is sponsored by the Pleasant Valley Opportunity Club and the award was presented at their regular meeting on Wednesday, March 5, 2008 at the Tiny Diny Restaurant. ###