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House Fire Crawford Lane

Jan 25th, 2001

January 25, 2001 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE (SH2001-05) FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION R. Steve Huffman Public Information Officer (334) 208-5806/Fax: (334) 208-5813 E-Mail: HOUSE FIRE CRAWFORD LANE Neighbors reported smoke coming from a single story, wood frame structure located at 652 Crawford Lane this morning, Thursday, January 25, 2001. The first call was received at approximately 9:25 a.m. and first firefighters reported on the scene with smoke coming from the structure at approximately 9:28 a.m. First reports to firefighters arriving on the scene that there may be someone inside but a quick check by firefighters found no one inside the structure. The owner, Angela Edwards, 43 and her son, Ivan Edwards, 19 were not home. Ms. Edwards arrived on the scene later. Firefighters did find a dog; a family pet, tied under the house and freed him. The pet was unharmed. The fire appears to have originated in a bathroom closet and extended into the hall outside the bathroom. There were varying degrees of smoke damage throughout. The cause of the fire remains under investigation and no damage estimated has been made as of yet. No injuries were reported. Engines 14, 8, 21; truck 17; rescue 14 and District 1 Chief John Hicks responded. ###