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Foundation Makes Donation to Fallen Firefighters Family

Sep 29th, 2000

September 29, 2000 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE (SH100068) FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION R. Steve Huffman Public Information Officer (334) 208-5806/Fax: (334) 208-5813 E-Mail: FOUNDATION MAKES DONATION TO HUSBAND FAMILY AND FUNERAL ARRANAGEMENTS The Community Foundation of South Alabama made a donation of $1,000 through The 100 Club of Mobile County Fund today to the family of Fallen Firefighter Paul Husband. The donation was made Friday, September 29, 2000 and delivered to the family by Fire Chief Stephen Dean. The funeral of Paul Husband will be Monday, October 2, 2000 from the St. Paul AME Church, located at 1255 Montrose Street. The wake will be from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. with a memorial service following at 11:00 a.m. Immediately following the memorial service the funeral procession will leave the church heading North on Michigan Avenue to Virginia Street. It will proceed East on Virginia Street to the Magnolia Cemetery where the Graveside service will take place. The Mobile Fire-Rescue Department will hang its large American flag from two ladder trucks at the railroad tracks on Michigan Avenue. The Procession line up is as follows: Fire Engine 16 (where Husband was assigned) the Minister; Hearse, Pall Bearers riding (which consist of Husband's classmates from the fire academy) riding on one of the re-furbished antique fire trucks, three family vehicles, a fire-rescue department vehicle, Rescue 24 and ladder truck 24 (from the station Husband was assigned) varies Mobile Fire-Rescue vehicles, friends vehicles and visiting Fire Department Trucks and vehicles. Once again a Memorial Fund has been set up for the family at the Gulf Coast Federal Credit Union. Additional information can be found at the Mobile Fire-Rescue Department web site at ###