The Mobile Fire-Rescue Department has named Fire Service Captain Jermaine Goosby as the Firefighter of the Month for March 2021. Beginning his career in fire service in 2001, Goosby gradually rose through the ranks of MFRD, promoting to Driver in 2008 and Captain in 2019.
Earning his Bachelor’s Degree in Fire Science and several certifications from the Alabama Fire College, Goosby regularly pursues knowledge and new skills to help him improve as a service member. Captain Goosby has continued to make significant impacts on the culture of the Department through his dedication to the job, particularly in the areas of recruiting and mentoring new firefighters.
For several months, Goosby has continuously dedicated his personal time to training, preparing, coaching, and mentoring potential firefighter candidates for the Certificate of Physical Ability Test (CPAT). The Test is required for all applicants prior to submitting request to become a firefighter. Captain Goosby’s contributions to recruiting and CPAT training have yielded tremendous results, ensuring an increased percentage of candidates pass the physical test, allowing them the opportunity to apply for the career of their dreams.
Goosby’s infectious positive personality and professionalism have a major impact on recruits just starting in the world of firefighting and emergency medical services. As a mentor, through his quiet but caring nature, he constantly imparts wisdom, instills confidence, and provides immeasurable experience to candidates, new recruits, and rookie firefighters. Captain Goosby’s commitment ensures that the Mobile Fire-Rescue Department is filled with firefighters deserving of the job and that the future of the City of Mobile is in good hands.
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