Neighborhood Development Programs for Non-profits
The City of Mobile’s Community and Housing Development Department administers grant funds received from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development to assist low and moderate-income households and communities. Our mission is to preserve and stabilize the physical, social, and economic health of City of Mobile neighborhoods.
For Non-profits
- Community Development Block Grant Program (CDBG): Provides assistance to nonprofit organizations that assist low-to-moderate income individuals and families, eliminate slum and blight, or provide an urgent need.
- Emergency Solutions Grant Program (ESG): Provides assistance to nonprofit organizations that assist the homeless and those at-risk of being homeless.
- Levon C. Manzie Neighborhood Resource Center: Provides community mebers with easier access to the resources and information that the City of Mobile's nonprofit partners can provide. Currently, the Neighborhood Resource Center is being used by Aletheia House, a federally recognized Community Housing Development Organization, and Legal Services Alabama, which provides legal assistance to financially disadvantaged Alabamians. Additionally, this new City facility houses a second Small Business Center, where small businesses and start-ups can receive on-site assistance from our staff. Nonprofits and for-profit businesses working directly with service providers or the City of Mobile can also request to use meeting and classroom spaces in the Neighborhood Resource Center by completing the form here.
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