Neighborhood Development Programs - For Developers
The City of Mobile’s Community and Housing Development Department administers grant funds received from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development to assist low and moderate-income households and communities. Our mission is to preserve and stabilize the physical, social, and economic health of City of Mobile neighborhoods.
For Developers
- Developer Application: A federal block grant program for developers that provides funding to finance affordable housing activities such as the rehabilitation of owner-occupied housing, assistance to home buyers, acquisition, rehabilitation or construction rental housing, and tenant-based rental assistance.
- CHDO Application (PDF): Neighborhood-based non-profit developer program
- HOME Program: Home is a federal block grant program that provides funding to state and localities to be used exclusively for affordable housing activities to benefit low-income households.
- Neighborhood Renewal Program: Provides an opportunity to purchase and redevelop tax-delinquent and abandoned properties
- Float Loan Program: The City of Mobile has loan funding available for one or multiple program types.
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