Environmental Services
The City of Mobile is committed to improving stormwater quality through public education, cleanup events, and through our municipal operations.
Africatown - EPA Brownfields Meeting Presentation
The City of Mobile has recently updated the Storm Water Management Program Plan (SWMPP) for FY2022. This DRAFT SWMPP is open for Public comment and input. The DRAFT SWMPP can be found at www.stormwatermobile.org Should you have any questions, comments or concerns please submit these to stormwater@cityofmobile.org.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Where is the closest recycling center to me?
We have two recycling centers in the City: Pinehill Recycle Center (2460 Government Street, directly behind police headquarters) and the WAC Recycle Center (4851 Museum Drive, directly in front of Police 2nd Precinct).
Q: Where can I recycle electronics?
There are several options that can provide this service to citizens: Best Buy, Office Depot, and United Cerebral Palsy. Please contact these businesses to see which option will be best for the material you want to recycle.
Q: Where can I get rid of my old TV?
Typically Best Buy is the recommended option, however, United Cerebral Palsy also takes flat screen TVs.
Q: Why did I get a letter from the City regarding a storm water violation (such as leaves being blown into the storm drain)?
These letters are typically Notices of Violations (NOVs) and serve as a written warning regarding an observed illicit discharge which is a violation of the storm water ordinance. When a citizen contacts us, we will be happy to discuss the nature of the violation and how to best remedy the issue.
Q: When is the next Household Hazardous Waste Disposal Event?
The City currently plans at least one (1) Household Hazardous Waste Disposal event every year, more if the budget allows. The dates will be posted on the City of Mobile website and on social media.
Q: When is the County having an event to get rid of unwanted household items?
Please refer to Mobile County's website to obtain information regarding its Clean Sweep Events.
Q: Where can I recycle old paint?
If the paint can(s) are unopened, a citizen can donate the paint can(s) to Goodwill or a local church. If the paint can(s) are opened/partially used, the citizen can air dry the paint or add sand/kitty litter to the paint to turn the substance from a liquid to a solid. Paint in a solid form is safe for solid waste disposal. They can also use the remaining paint on a stump or scrap wood.
Q: Where can I recycle old paint?
If the paint can(s) is unopened a citizen can donate the paint can(s) to Goodwill or a local church. If the paint can(s) is opened/partially used, the citizen can air dry the paint or add sand/kitty litter to the paint to turn substance from a liquid to a solid. Paint in a solid form is safe for solid waste disposal. They can also use the remaining paint on a stump or scrap wood.
Q: What is the storm water fee on my property tax bill?
Please see the attached summary for information regarding Stormwater Fees.