Mobile addressing litter through education, prevention, collection and enforcement
Jun 2nd, 2021
June 2, 2021
For Immediate Release:
Mobile addressing litter through education, prevention, collection and enforcement
Mobile, Ala – Litter is a top priority for the City of Mobile. It negatively impacts the beauty of our city, harms our environment and impacts our economy. No one likes a litter bug, and in addition to expanding education, prevention, and collection efforts, the City of Mobile is stepping up its enforcement.
The Mobile Police Department’s Special Investigations’ Municipal Enforcement Task Force recently launched “Operation No Dump” — a renewed litter enforcement effort centered around significant surveillance at known dumpsites throughout the City. The operation is already showing results.
On Earth Day, April 22, 2021, surveillance cameras recorded a man at a dumpsite on Todd Acres Road who appeared to have driven from Semmes to illegally dump household garbage and boxes. As police were working to identify the man and his vehicle, he was spotted again on surveillance video from the same location on May 7. In that video, the man appeared to be dumping a large bedroom mattress.
Working with MPD’s Cyber Intelligence Unit, the Municipal Enforcement Task Force was able to identify the vehicle and the driver as Nicholas Sumlin. He is now facing two violations for illegal dumping, both of which could result in fines of up to $500 in Mobile Municipal Court.
“This is not our first effort to enforce the City of Mobile’s litter ordinance and it won’t be the last, but we need everyone engaged in the process if we’re going to make these efforts stick,” Chief Resilience Officer Casi Callaway said. “Community members know the locations of frequently-used dumpsites in Mobile. We need to watch them and report violators together to send a clear message – if you dump trash illegally, you’re going to get caught.”
We know stopping litter can have a direct impact on crime, property value and the pride we all have in our community. The City is committed to doing its part, but we need Mobilians to get involved as well. If you see litter, pick it up. If you see someone littering from a vehicle, you can report to the City directly by calling 311. Please provide the tag number, location and type of litter if you’re able to do so safely.
If you’re interested in doing more, connect with the City of Mobile’s Chief Resilience Officer, Casi Callaway at To truly be effective in combatting litter, we will need support, and leadership from non-profit organizations, businesses, community groups, government agencies and citizens. If you, your business, and/or community group is actively working to stop litter through education, prevention, collection, or enforcement, please consider joining our task force.