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Upcoming City Council and Committee Meetings

Aug 10th, 2017

Posted in: General News

The City Council will meet on Wednesday, August 23rd at 10:30 AM in the Government Plaza Auditorium. That morning, they will also hold the Pre-Council meeting at 9:00 AM in the Council Conference Room on the 9th Floor of the South Tower in Government Plaza.

The following week, on Tuesday, August 29th, the Council’s Public Service Committee will meet at 2:00 PM and the Finance Committee will meet at 3:00 PM. Both committees will meet in the Council Conference Room on the 9th Floor of the South Tower in Government Plaza.

The Public Service Committee will discuss proposed changes to Article VIII, Section 57 of the City Code to add new provisions for permitting wireless facilities and support structures in the right-of-way. Members of this committee include: Fred Richardson – Chairman, Joel Daves and C.J. Small.

The Finance Committee will discuss the Fiscal Year 2018 Budget. Members of this committee include: Joel Daves – Chairman, Fred Richardson and Bess Rich.