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City Council Approves Fiscal Year 2018 Budget

Sep 29th, 2017

Posted in: General News

The City Council approved the Fiscal Year 2018 Budget at a meeting late this afternoon. The final budget reflects the Council’s priorities including providing longevity raises for members of the Mobile Fire Department and onetime bonuses for city workers and all retirees.

“It took a little longer than usual but compromise and collaboration won the day and we have a budget,” said Council President Gina Gregory. “I appreciate everyone’s work on hammering out the final few issues and am glad we will have the budget in place for the start of the new fiscal year.”

At the meeting, several proposals were introduced and passed that modify the proposed budget to include:

  • To authorize a lump sum salary supplement to be paid to eligible employees.

  • To provide a lump sum pension supplement to retirees and beneficiaries participating in the RSA Retirement Plan.

  • To authorize a lump sum pension supplement to retirees and beneficiaries participating in the Police and Firefighters' Pension Plan.

  • To authorize longevity pay for eligible full-time uniform Firefighters and ALS Fire medics.

The new budget will go into effect on October 1, 2017.

“This budget demonstrates our priorities which include ensuring the hardworking men and women employed by the city are being compensated fairly,” said Councilman Levon Manzie. “I’m hopeful this bonus expresses to them our appreciation for all that they do.”


“Moving forward, I urge the Administration to consult the Council during the development of the budget,” said Council Vice President Fred Richardson. “Working together is in the best interest of the City.”