Langan Lake Dredging and Langan Park Stormwater Improvements
Program and Project Management
Bid #:
Date Posted: Wednesday, Mar 05, 2025
Date Due: Wednesday, Apr 09, 2025
Time of bid opening: 2:30pm
Notice to Contractors:
Sealed proposals will be received by the City Clerk of the City of Mobile, Alabama, 205 Government Street, 9th Floor, South Tower, until 2:30 p.m. local time, **April 09, 2025** and then publicly opened and read in the Muiltipurpose Room, Atrium, 1st Floor, for constructing:
Project No.: 2016-3005-34 and 2021-2045-01
Project: Langan Lake Dredging and Langan Park Stormwater Improvements
Project Description: Lake Dredging and Restoration
Copies of the bidding documents may be obtained from McCrory & Williams, Inc. (3207 International Drive, Suite G, Mobile AL 36606; 251-476-4720), upon payment of $150, for each printed set. Said cost represents the costs of printing, reproduction, handling and distribution, therefore no refund will be granted. Checks will be made payable to McCrory & Williams, Inc. No bid packages will be issued to contractors later than twenty-four (24) hours after the pre-bid conference.
A Mandatory Pre-Bid Conference for Contractors will be held in the Multipurpose Room, Atrium, Government Plaza, 205 Government Street, Mobile, Alabama, on **March 26, 2025**
No bid will be received and considered unless made out on the blank form or Proposal attached, unless all papers attached hereto are returned with the bid and the Proposal sheet attached (i.e. entire contract document).
Any contract awarded under this Invitation for Bids may be paid for in whole or in part with grant funding from the Gulf Coast Ecosystem Restoration Council ("RESTORE Council", also "Council") and the Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources ("ADCNR") under the Resources and Ecosystems Sustainability, Tourist Opportunities, and Revived Economies of the Gulf Coast States Act of 2012 (RESTORE Act). Any contract resulting from this solicitation will be subject to the terms and conditions of the funding award, the RESTORE Council Financial Assistance Standard Terms and Conditions, including any Special Award Conditions, the Standard Sub-Award Terms and Conditions, the RESTORE Act, 33 U.S. C. 132l(t) ~t seq., the U.S. Department of the Treasury Regulations 31 C. F. R. § 34 et seq., including 31 C. F. R. §§ 34, Subpart F, all applicable terms and conditions in 2 C. F. R. Part 200 of the Office of Management and Budget ("OMB") Uniform Guidance for Grants and Cooperative Agreements, as amended, (including Appendix II to Part 200), and all other OMB circulars, executive orders or other federal laws or regulations, as applicable. Notwithstanding the above, neither ADCNR nor the RESTORE Council, or any of their agents, representatives, or employees, is or will be a party to this Invitation for Bids or any resulting contract. Further, any Contractor awarded a contract under this Invitation for Bids shall not be deemed to be an agent, representative, employee or servant of ADCNR or the RESTORE Council.
This project is being bid EXCLUDING TAXES and requires the Contractor to comply with applicable provisions of Section 11-2A-14.1, Code of Alabama, 1975, as amended; applicable provisions of the Alabama Administrative Code; and applicable requirements of the Alabama Department of Revenue (ADOR).
All bidders must make positive efforts to use small and minority owned business and women business enterprises. Minority and women’s business enterprises are solicited to bid on this contract as prime contractors and are encouraged to make inquiries regarding potential subcontracting opportunities and equipment, material and/or supply needs. Bidders must pay special attention to the requirements of the City of Mobile Subcontractor and Major Supplier Plan. The City of Mobile requires that bidders comply with City ordinance 4-034-2018 Chapter. Refer to 2 CFR 200.321 and the City of Mobile’s Subcontractor and Major Supplier Plan included in the bid package for detailed language. See Attachment C in bid documents.
The Contractor and his subconsultants will each be required to furnish their individual Unique Entity Identifier or UEI number and submit proof of active registration with their proposal. Proof of pending UEI registration application to will be accepted. Failure to furnish this information will result in a non-responsive bid. See forms in Attachment K in bid documents.
Each bid shall be accompanied by a check or bid bond for the sum of five percent (5%) of the amount bid (maximum amount of bond $10,000), made payable to the CITY, and certified by a reputable banking institution. These monies shall serve as assurance that within ten (10) days of notice of contract award contemplated in the Proposal, the successful bidder will enter into such contract and file a bond for the execution of same.
The performance bond required will be for the amount bid, and labor and material bond shall be one hundred percent (100%) of the amount of contract and shall be made by a Surety Company acceptable to the City of Mobile and upon the forms of bonds appended hereto.
In default of the entering into of such contract and the execution of such bond, the certified check required to accompany such bid shall be forfeited to the City of Mobile, Alabama. These fees shall not be a penalty but damages for delays, or for the additional cost or expenses that the CITY may incur by reason of such default.
In addition, the Contractor must furnish to the City at the time of the signing of the Contract a certificate of insurance coverage as provided in the specification which will include Comprehensive General Liability insurance, Contractor’s Automobile Liability Insurance, Owner’s Protective Liability Insurance, or a Comprehensive General and Public Liability policy naming the City of Mobile, its agents (specifically Geosyntec Consultants, Inc., McCrory & Williams, Inc.) and employees as additionally insured, and where applicable, subcontractor’s Public Liability and Property Damage Insurance. The right is reserved to reject any and/or all bids and to waive informalities and to furnish any item of material or work to change the amount of said Contract.
Liquidated damages for non-completion of the work within the time limit agreed upon will be assessed according to Section 108.11 of Alabama Department of Transportation Standard Specifications for Highway Construction 2022 Edition.
Bidders for work costing in excess of $50,000 must be licensed Contractors in the State of Alabama pursuant to Sections 34-8-1 through 34-8-27 of the Code of Alabama of 1975 as amended. Bidders’ license must include one of the following: (MU) Municipal & Utility, (H/RR) Heavy / Railroad, or Specialty Construction (H/RR-S) –Dredging, as listed in the State of Alabama Licensing Board for General Contractors Administrative Code Chapter 230-X-1-.27 6.a.8. Bidders shall indicate State License Number on outside of bid envelope. All Bids of $50,000 or more must be accompanied by a copy of the bidder’s Alabama General Contractor’s License.
The awarding of a contract will require the Contractor to pay the prevailing wage rates for this district that are applicable to the trades engaged in this project.
The City of Mobile reserves the right to reject any and all bids and waive informalities in the bidding.
As listed in the State of Alabama Licensing Board for General Contractors Administrative Code Chapter 230-X-1.06, in cases of joint venture, all parties to the joint venture must be licensed at the time the bid is submitted and each must have the proper classification for the project. Bid limits can be added together.
Bids must be sealed and have the following on the outside of the envelope: the bid date, the project name and number, bidder name, bidder address and state license number issued by the State of Alabama board of general contractors. The envelope containing bids must be addressed as follows, and delivered to Ms. Lisa Lambert, City Clerk; City of Mobile, P. O. Box 1827, Mobile, Alabama 36633; “Bid For Completion of Langan Lake Dredging Project City Of Mobile Project No. 2016-3005-34 and Langan Park Stormwater Improvements City of Mobile Project No. 2021-2045-01 in the City Of Mobile, Alabama”.
Bid Schedule
Subject to Change with notice on
Advertisement: Wed. 03/05/25 – Wed 03/19/25
Pre-Bid Meeting-: Wednesday 03/26/25 at 2:30pm, Multipurpose Room, Government Plaza Atrium
Pre-Bid Questions Due: Monday 03/31/25 at 5:00pm
Bid Opening: Wednesday 04/09/25 at 2:30pm, Multipurpose Room, Government Plaza Atrium
Please Click for File Attachment
It is the responsibility of the BIDDER to check for, download and to include with their BID RESPONSE any and all ADDENDUMS that are issued for a specific BID issued by the City of Mobile. Failure to download and include ADDENDUM(s) in your BID RESPONSE may cause your bid to be rejected. This is a sealed bid. Any responses faxed or e-mailed will be rejected. This is a sealed bid. All responses must be submitted in a sealed envelope with the bid number on the outside of the envelope with the bid opening date. Any response that arrives improperly marked or with no bid number and opening date on the outside of the delivery or express package and opened in error will be rejected and not considered. It is the responsibility of the bidder to insure that their bid response is delivered to and received in the at the location or address specifically directed in the specification by the date and time prescribed.