A Message from Mayor Stimpson - September 21
Sep 21st, 2020
Good evening,
It is 9:00 p.m. on September 21, and I am writing to give you an update from the City of Mobile.
This morning, state officials from the Emergency Management Agency visited many of our communities which suffered damage and heavy debris. Estimated initial damage totals $7.9 million. Today, the removal of trash began in earnest.
Tuesday afternoon, there were 165,000 people in the City without power. This evening there are fewer than a few hundred. Amazing! Kudos to Alabama Power Company and those who traveled from more than 14 states to assist.
Additionally, should you go downtown inside the Henry Aaron Loop you will find very little debris if any. It has all been removed and the majority of the streets have been swept. Our team executed the same process to clean our streets as they implement during Mardi Gras. From the Campground, all around Downtown and Springhill Ave, our crews were clearing the way. Kudos to our Public Works crews.
This is a small recap of the amazing work happening in our City. In challenging times, we work together and revive our momentum. We have more exciting things to share in the upcoming weeks but don't forget the following:
- Citizens interested in applying for FEMA assistance for the Hurricane Sally Major Disaster Declaration, may apply for disaster aid from @FEMA. You can apply online at http://DisasterAssistance.gov or by calling the registration phone number at 1-800-621-3362 (TTY: 800-462-7585)
- Citizens can view areas with fallen trees and downed powerlines in real time. The City of Mobile has created a map for citizens to view areas that have been deemed "damaged sites" due to fallen trees and downed powerlines. The real time information is being updated throughout the day. If you see an area that has fallen trees and downed powerlines that is not listed on the map, please contact 311. Currently the map can be viewed only by Andriod devices and any computer. iOS devices (iPhones) are not supported at this time. The map can be viewed by clicking here.
- Debris collection and removal began today. Residents are asked to separate disaster debris into three piles.
1. Vegetation
2. Construction and Debris
3. Appliances, Electronics, Tires
One week ago, tonight, we went to sleep not realizing the damage that would occur during the coming 12 hours. Likewise, over the next 12 days, we don't know the good that will occur to overcome the setbacks suffered by so many. But come they will, moment by moment, task by task. Our focus will be on making tomorrow the very best it can be.
Get some rest. God Bless!