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A Message from Mayor Stimpson May 5, 2020

May 5th, 2020

Posted in: MayorCOVID-19

Good evening,
It is 9 p.m. on Tuesday, May 5 and I am writing to give you an update on the City of Mobile's efforts regarding COVID-19.

As of tonight, there are 1,265 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Mobile County, out of 9,331 total tests. There are 71 deaths attributed to the virus. 

This morning I met Mobile County Sheriff Sam Cochran to provide an update on test kits we are providing him for use at the Mobile Metro Jail. The jail has experienced a rapid increase in the number of COVID-19 cases, including 38 inmates and 30 employees so far.

In partnership with USA Health, the City helped to set up a temporary testing site at the jail where Sheriff Cochran today began testing of the jail's 200 employees. We believe this not only will help to contain the spread of COVID-19 in Mobile County, but it will also improve safety for both employees and inmates.

It's fitting that we launched this partnership during national Corrections Officer Appreciation Week, which was created by President Ronald Reagan to recognize the important role these workers play in our criminal justice system.

We are putting a priority on these confined living spaces - including nursing homes, assisted living facilities and public housing - because we know they are conducive to spreading the virus, and they have contributed to the increase in cases we are seeing in Mobile County.

Tonight I would like to thank the City Council for approving our request to transfer $500,000 to go toward a relief fund for business suffering as a result of Coronavirus. Specifically, our "Ignite Mobile" plan will distribute grants to businesses closed by the state order, but unable to receive federal stimulus funds or state unemployment benefits.

We know many of these small businesses are doing all they can just to hang on until Gov. Ivey makes a decision on whether to allow them to re-open. We believe this plan can serve as a lifeline for these businesses until they can safely reopen their doors. 

Details of the plan, including a list of eligible businesses, are available on the city's web site at . Applications for the business assistance will be available beginning tomorrow, May 6.

Other developments from today:

  • Today at 12:10 p.m., I watched from my office window as a couple of F-16 jets streaked past Government Plaza heading east over Mobile Bay. These were two of the famous "Red Tails" from the 187th Fighter Wing of the Alabama Air National Guard. They conducted a flyover of the city as a show of support for our health care workers and first responders. 
  • Today we allocated funding to begin testing of our homeless population and of senior citizens living in public housing. These are two of our most vulnerable population groups, and we believe that testing will help keep them safe and help stop the spread within the broader community. We appreciate the City Council approving our request to transfer the funds for this important initiative.

I want to close by thanking our teachers in honor of national Teacher Appreciation Day. COVID-19 has pushed us all to do things differently. Our teachers have done an amazing job adapting to the pandemic and taking on the challenge of remotely educating more than 53,000 students in Mobile County.

I know many of the parents out there have a new appreciation for the hard work, dedication and professionalism of our teachers! As students, teachers and parents approach the end of this very unusual school year, I am convinced that they will emerge stronger and braver because they conquered the challenge together.  


Mayor Sandy Stimpson