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A Message from Mayor Stimpson - May 4

May 4th, 2020

Posted in: MayorCOVID-19

Good evening,
It is 9 p.m. on Monday, May 4 and I am writing to give you an update on the City of Mobile's efforts regarding COVID-19.

As of tonight, there are 1,222 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Mobile County, out of 8,946 total tests. There are 66 deaths attributed to the virus. 

Over the weekend there continued to be more tests completed and more data compiled which is helping to give us a more accurate picture of the spread of Coronavirus in our community. 

We continue to see growth in the number of new cases, particularly in our assisted living facilities and nursing homes. It's a reminder that the virus is still with us and is still a very real threat to the health and safety of our citizens.

Today we received a donation of 500 surgical masks from Tony Doughaish, representing the Islamic Society of Mobile. We are grateful for the donation which we immediately put to good use.

We took those 500 masks and added another 250 from the Mobile Fire-Rescue Department and delivered them to Michael Pierce of the Mobile Housing Authority. The Housing Authority has an urgent need for protective equipment because they are dealing with an outbreak of COVID-19 at Central Plaza Towers.

The masks will keep residents and employees of the Housing Authority safer as they work to stop the spread of the virus. We will work closely with the Housing Authority to provide more resources as they become available.

Tomorrow, the Mobile City Council is scheduled to continue reviewing our proposal to help local businesses suffering as a result of the pandemic. Our "Ignite Mobile" plan will direct much-needed grants and other support to businesses forced to close under the state's "Safer at Home" plan which runs through May 15. 

Specifically, we've heard from a number of "close contact" businesses such as barber shops, beauty salons and fitness centers that have been unable to open and unable to receive state or federal assistance.

We believe this plan can serve as a lifeline for these businesses until they can safely reopen their doors. Details of the plan, including a list of eligible businesses, are available on the city's web site at

Other developments from today:

  • We continue making plans for our city employees to transition back to working at City Hall. Many of our employees are using telework to take care of their responsibilities, and we are developing policies for the future on working remotely. We've learned a tremendous amount through the use of technology over the past few weeks, and we want to take advantage of that knowledge so we can serve you better going forward. 
  • Tomorrow morning I will meet Sheriff Sam Cochran to get an update on the testing site we have established at the Mobile Metro Jail. We are testing inmates and county staff to help the Sheriff stop an outbreak of Coronavirus at the jail - more details on that tomorrow.

I want to close by shining a light on a local business owner who is stepping up in a major way to help our community. This weekend, I read a story about Blane Stokely, co-owner of Stokely's Garden Express Midtown. 

Blane, along with his father Lyle and brother Brandon, decided to deliver $500 checks to seven small business owners in Mobile County to help them make ends meet while they remain closed under state order. You can read about their donations by clicking here

I was particularly inspired to read how some of the recipients, who are doing all they can just to survive during this crisis, vowed to find a way to "pay it forward" and help others.

"We're just trying to help people," Stokley said. "We want businesses to survive because they are what make Mobile Mobile." 

That's what Mobile is all about. When we are united and our faith is strong, we can overcome any challenge.


Mayor Sandy Stimpson