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A Message from Mayor Stimpson - March 19

Mar 19th, 2020

Posted in: COVID-19

Good evening,

It is 9 p.m. on March 19 and I am writing to give you an update on the City of Mobile's efforts regarding COVID-19.
Tonight we had our first confirmed case of COVID-19 in Mobile County. This virus is a threat to our community and we all need to do our part to save lives. Working together, we will make it through this difficult time.
COVID-19 is at the top of my agenda. My entire team is focused on protecting you and stopping the spread of this virus. The actions we are taking are difficult but necessary to keep you safe.
A few of the steps we have taken:

  • Formed an incident command team that is working around the clock on our rapid response plan
  • Declared a local Public Health Emergency, which enables us to make emergency purchases, prohibit price gouging and (if necessary) implement a curfew, among other powers
  • Postponed all city events, suspended travel for city employees and developed a telework plan for the City

Today I spent significant time working on obtaining test kits to be delivered to the City of Mobile. I hope to have more news on that tomorrow. In anticipation of receiving the test kits, I directed our Mobile Fire-Rescue Department to set up drive-in test locations at Ladd-Peebles Stadium and The Grounds in Mobile.
I am also staying in close communication with mayors across the country and across Alabama to share ideas and best practices to protect our citizens. In addition, I am working closely with our community leaders in Mobile to make sure that our efforts are coordinated.
The best thing that you can do to help is to follow the recommended CDC guidelines, including washing your hands regularly, practicing social distancing and staying home if you are sick.
If we all follow these steps, we will save lives.  
Thank you for allowing me to share this update with you. As always, I am grateful to be your mayor. Tonight I am particularly grateful for your prayers which do make a difference.

Mayor Sandy Stimpson