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A Message from Mayor Stimpson-April 9, 2020

Apr 9th, 2020

Posted in: MayorCOVID-19

Good evening,
It is 9 p.m. on Thursday, April 9, and I am writing to give you an update on the City of Mobile's
efforts regarding COVID-19.
As of tonight, there are 329 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Mobile County, and 
10 deaths attributed to the virus. We know that number will continue to rise, particularly as more 
citizens are tested.
This is a crucial moment in the fight to stop the spread of Coronavirus. The virus is in our 
community and it is spreading rapidly. Now is the time we must practice the guidelines given to
us by the health experts: Wash your hands. Keep a safe physical distance. 
And, more than anything: Stay home.
COVID-19 is the top priority of my Administration. My entire team is focused on protecting you 
and slowing the spread of this deadly virus. 
We get lots of advice in the mayor's office on how we can do things better. We appreciate it! 
This morning, I had a suggestion from a constituent who also happens to be my wife. 
Jean suggested that we donate blood. So, the two of us drove to Life South, which provides 
blood to our local hospitals.
The process was safe, painless and easy - we were done in less than 45 minutes. I would encourage
anyone who is healthy and feeling well to visit Life South or the American Red Cross. 
This is a great way to save lives in our community, and the need may become critical in the weeks 
Today, I called the chief executives of Mobile's four hospitals to check on their current capacity. 
The good news is that each of them currently has plenty of available bed space and ventilators. 
All four said they believe they are well equipped for a surge, should it come.
Other updates today:

  • I took a few minutes to fill out my Census form. It's one of the best things any of us can do to ensure that Mobile is counted. You can complete it online by clicking here.
  • We are continuing to work with the Salvation Army of Coastal Alabama to provide resources to our homeless community, which is particularly vulnerable to Coronavirus. We are in the process of standing up hand-washing stations, bathrooms and food service at three locations: the Dearborn YMCA in downtown Mobile, the Salvation Army main office at 1009 Dauphin Street, and 3 Circle Church at 150 Sage Avenue.
  • I met by phone with Dr. Bert Eichold of the Mobile County Health Department and Merceria Ludgood of the Mobile County Commission as we continue to coordinate our response efforts to COVID-19. We are working with the Governor's Office to make contingency plans in case we have a surge in confirmed cases.

We continue to find individuals and businesses stepping up to help us win the fight against COVID-19.
Last night I asked for examples of people who are stepping up to support the fight against COVID-19. We got lots of great responses! One that I'd like to close with tonight is about Mary Katherine Zarzour Williams.
Mary Katherine, 27, was inspired by one of her friends in Charlotte, N.C., who led a fundraising campaign to buy meals from local restaurants and provide them to hospital workers. 
Mary Katherine decided to launch a similar effort in Mobile with a goal to provide 100 meals. In the past week, she's raised $22,000 and delivered 1,200 meals!
To learn more and support her effort, visit her Go Fund Me page by clicking here: #MOBILESTRONG: Feeding the Frontline organized by Mary Katherine Zarzour
It's so inspiring to see our citizens rolling up their sleeves and rallying behind our first responders.
We will overcome this threat to our community. It may not be tomorrow, and it may not be next week - but we will prevail together, and we will emerge stronger than we were before. 

I know that many of you are experiencing moments of fear, anger, grief and loneliness. There are many times I have those feelings as well. This virus, and the constant barrage of negative news that follows it, can be overwhelming.
We are humbled by this challenge, but we are not helpless. Together we are stronger than Coronavirus. We have amazing doctors and nurses who are dedicated to healing us. We have courageous men and women in uniform who are working tonight to protect us. 
We have ordinary citizens rising up and doing extraordinary things to help their neighbors, families and even folks they've never met. We have churches that are leading a spiritual awakening and a call to service unlike anything we've ever seen.
Most of all, we have each other. None of us is facing this battle alone. There may be dark days but we will get through them together. My team and I will keep on fighting until the battle is won. 
Remember, our parents and grandparents overcame wars, hurricanes, oil spills and devastating illnesses. This may be a time of crisis, but it is also a time when we show the world how a community comes together.
When we are united and our faith is strong, we can overcome any challenge.



Mayor Sandy Stimpson