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A Message from Mayor Stimpson - April 30

Apr 30th, 2020

Posted in: MayorCOVID-19

Good evening,

It is 9:30 p.m. on Thursday, April 30 and I am writing to give you an update on the City of Mobile's efforts regarding COVID-19.

As of tonight, there are 1,057 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Mobile County, out of 7,380 total tests. There are 55 deaths attributed to the virus. 

We continue to focus on local "hot spots" which are driving the increase in new cases. In particular, these include several our local nursing homes and assisted living facilities, as well as the Mobile Metro Jail.

Our team has done an amazing job to identify sources for new test kits at a time when they were in short supply across the country. We've delivered hundreds of test kits to those "hot spot" facilities to help protect their employees and the residents they serve.

We've done the same with Personal Protective Equipment - items such as masks, gloves and surgical gowns - which are also in high demand. With supplies limited, we put a priority on our first responders and health care workers. We wanted to ensure they had access to these items so that they could continue to serve and protect you.

Now, we must attack the virus and stop it from spreading within those "hot spots." We are in the process of finding and delivering more PPE gear to them by any means necessary. This will not only create a safer environment for the people who live and work in these facilities, it will reduce the spread to the community.

Friday is a big day in the City as many of the businesses that were forced to close under the state's "Stay at Home" order are free to re-open. We ask retailers to remember they have responsibility to maintain the social distancing and sanitation practices needed to keep their customers safe.

As we take this measured step toward re-opening our economy, all of us must be responsible and follow the CDC guidelines:

  • Wash your hands

  • Stay six feet apart from others

  • Wear a mask or face covering in public

  • Stay home if you're sick

We continue to hear from many of our restaurants, barber shops and salons who are prohibited from opening under the new order, which runs through May 15. While the state continues to work toward a decision, we are taking action to help them during this challenging time.

There will be an emergency meeting of the Mobile City Council at 3 p.m. on Friday to consider a proposal we created that will help those challenged businesses. Look for more details on our "Ignite Mobile" plan tomorrow.

In closing, I was asked today if there is a particular store or shopping trip I plan to take with stores re-opening on Friday. My answer was that Mother's Day is coming on May 10, and it's a good time to find a gift for your mother. 

My own mother is deceased, but there are so many mothers out there who have held their families together through this crisis. Besides taking care of their children, they are also leading home schooling efforts, working from home and often times dealing with their husbands under foot!

For the mothers who may be reading this tonight, thank you for the vital role you play in our community and for carrying the burden of worry during this pandemic. We look forward to celebrating you between now and May 10.