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A Message from Mayor Stimpson April 27, 2020

Apr 27th, 2020

Posted in: MayorCOVID-19

Good evening,
It is 9 p.m. on Monday, April 27, and I am writing to give you an update on the City of Mobile's efforts regarding COVID-19.
As of tonight, there are 942 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Mobile County, out of 6,627 total tests. There are 43 deaths attributed to the virus. 
Today we continued working on our recovery guidelines, which are being designed to help businesses, churches and other community organizations to reopen safely once it is determined that they are able to do so.
Gov. Ivey has scheduled a news conference for 11 a.m. Tuesday to announce her plans regarding the statewide "Stay at Home" order that currently runs through April 30. She will be joined by State Health Officer Dr. Scott Harris, as well as members of her Coronavirus Task Force.
I joined Gov. Ivey and members of her staff on a conference call today along with the mayors from Alabama's ten largest cities. The purpose was to discuss the new health order that her Administration is preparing to release tomorrow. 
We did not discuss the plan in any detail since she indicated that it was still being finalized. Gov. Ivey did say that she would be taking a measured approach to re-opening the state and that she was working with the White House to ensure that it is consistent with federal guidelines.
Whatever she decides, we can expect opinions will vary on whether it goes too far or not far enough. We have no doubt, however, that her intent is to do what's best for Alabama. We must wait to see the details of her plan before we can complete ours, because the state has authority over local government.
At the local level, we are continuing to coordinate with our partners in the Mobile County Commission and the Mobile County Health Department. We are collaborating on every decision about how we safely return to normal.
These decisions are difficult but necessary as we look toward recovery. Our top priority is protecting your health and stamping out the spread of COVID-19. It's important to remember that Coronavirus is not just a public health crisis - it's also an economic one. 
Our small businesses, which provide the backbone of our economy, are struggling to survive. We must find a way to get them back on their feet while avoiding a resurgence of this disease. I am confident that our team, in collaboration with our partners, can accomplish this goal.
A couple of developments from today:

  • We continue to keep a close watch on our local nursing homes as they see an increase in the number of COVID-19 cases. We are providing every available resource and working closely with their leadership to help protect their residents and staff.
  • I recently sat down with Brad Pitts of Synergy Laboratories to discuss the amazing job they've done helping the City of Mobile in the fight against COVID-19. In case you missed it, click here to watch a brief video of our conversation. 

I want to close by telling you about a special event that will occur in the City this week. Three years ago, on April 29, 2017, my friends Fred and Barbara Rettig organized a "Canopy of Prayer" event in the City of Mobile. Participants walked every street in the city raising up Mobile in prayer.
At 7 p.m. on Wednesday, they will host a similar event called "One Voice from Home." In this case, they are asking everyone to find a comfortable place - whether on your porch, patio or in your living room - and join with citizens from across the region as we pray at this pivotal time.
To learn more, visit their web site by clicking here

Mayor Sandy Stimpson