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A Message from Mayor Stimpson - April 22

Apr 22nd, 2020

Posted in: COVID-19

Good evening,
It is 9:30 p.m. on Wednesday, April 22, and I am writing to give you an update on the City of Mobile's efforts regarding COVID-19.
As of tonight, there are 753 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Mobile County, out of 3,906 total tests. There are 33 deaths attributed to the virus. Please note that the total number of cases continues to rise, evidence that the disease is still spreading in Mobile.
Today we participated in our first news conference with the Unified Command, which is a collaborative organization that brings together the City of Mobile, the Mobile County Commission and the Mobile County Health Department.
The benefit of this collaboration is that we are able to share our assets and combine our forces in the fight against COVID-19. Our goals are straightforward: To keep you safe from this threat to our well-being, and to build a transition plan to get people back to work.
We are working tirelessly on the steps that will be needed to re-open our economy while protecting the health and safety of our citizens. We remain in close contact with Governor Ivey, who issued a statewide order closing all non-essential businesses until April 30.
We anticipate that in the next few weeks, the state will begin allowing businesses to re-open. Most likely, this will occur in a phased approach, with rules to protect workers and customers alike.
In collaboration with local businesses and medical experts, we are developing a set of guidelines to help guide us toward recovery. While we look forward to the day we can return to work, it's important we not lose sight of the very real threat we continue to face in COVID-19.
We need look no further than today's headlines, which identified Mobile County as leading the state in the number of COVID-19 cases and deaths. Medical experts are still trying to understand this disease. What we know for sure is that Coronavirus is highly contagious and deadly, particularly for people in the high-risk categories.
We are doing all we can to make testing available to as many of our citizens as possible. As new cases are confirmed, we are working with our hospitals to ensure that the best treatment is available.

Coronavirus is a public health challenge unlike anything we have seen in our lifetimes. We are devoting all of our focus on defeating this invisible enemy - but we must do more. It's not enough just to stop the pandemic. We must save lives, and livelihoods, too. 

We are encouraged that the state has added resources that will enable the Alabama Department of Labor to approve unemployment claims more quickly. And, we are staying engaged with our Congressional delegation to push for more federal funds for businesses hurt by this crisis. Help is on the way.

We've said it before, but there are no easy decisions in a crisis. We are learning more every day, and we are getting stronger every day. All of us are working together to make the best possible decisions with the information we have available. 

As of tonight, the data tells us we are still vulnerable and still not past the peak. We must continue to exercise caution to stop Coronavirus from spreading and ensure that we don't see a second wave of illness. 

One day we will all look back on this moment, and when we do, I hope we can say that we each did our part to help our neighbors. I continue to be inspired by the simple acts of kindness taking place across our city. It truly shows the greatness of Mobile. 

I am so grateful for your prayers and words of encouragement. When we are united and our faith is strong, we can overcome any challenge.


Mayor Sandy Stimpson