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A Message from Mayor Stimpson - April 13

Apr 13th, 2020

Posted in: MayorCOVID-19

Good evening,


It is 9 p.m. on Monday, April 13, and I am writing to give you an update on the City of Mobile’s efforts regarding COVID-19.


As of tonight, there are 491 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Mobile County, and 17 deaths attributed to the virus. We believe this is a pivotal week in the battle against Coronavirus. 


The health experts tell us that we are nearing the peak for the spread of this disease in Mobile. We expect to see the number of confirmed cases rise over the next seven days, then hopefully begin to fall.


I want to take this opportunity to thank you for the sacrifices you are making to help keep our community safe. The key to victory truly exists within each of us. Social distancing is not normal nor is it easy for any of us. But your good discipline is making a difference and I am grateful for your efforts. Together we are turning the tide.


Today we met with leaders from the Mobile County Health Department and the Mobile County Commission to chart our course for the days ahead. We reviewed the action steps we’ve taken thus far and discussed ideas for how to protect our citizens at this critical stage. It’s good that the leaders of these organizations are working so well together.


One issue is that we continue to see large crowds of shoppers gathering in super-stores like Wal-Mart, presenting a public health risk for customers and store employees. We have taken steps to try and limit those numbers, and we are having an open discussion about whether we should do more.


We know you have a need to purchase essential items and the options are limited. We also know that, for many of you, buying groceries provides a small sense of normalcy in such uncertain times. But we must all keep a close watch on the virus and respond as necessary. 


We are talking with leaders from our neighboring communities, from cities across Alabama and with leaders from the state and federal government. Most importantly, we are listening to you. 


For now, please follow the guidelines recommended by the experts: Keep your hands clean and don’t touch your face. Wear a mask and gloves if you have them. Keep six feet of distance between you and others. And, as much as possible, stay home and avoid going out, particularly if you are in one of the high-risk categories.


We’ve said it before, but there are no easy decisions in a crisis. Our top priority is keeping you safe, but it’s not enough just to protect lives. We must also protect livelihoods. As many of you know, Coronavirus is having a devastating effect on our economy.


I am particularly concerned about our small businesses, and how the “Big Box” stores like Wal-Mart and Target have a competitive advantage because they are exempt from the state order. I want to find ways to level the playing field and give our local businesses a fighting chance.


With that in mind, I participated in a conference call today with the Mobile Area Chamber of Commerce and asked them to help us begin crafting a recovery plan. Our businesses are hurting. There is a finite amount of time they can hang on. We are looking for ideas on how we can help them weather this storm.


There’s no question we have a challenge ahead of us, maybe the toughest yet. But together we are stronger than Coronavirus and I have no doubt that we will overcome this threat to our community.


When we emerge from this crisis, it will be because of your sacrifices and your efforts to protect your friends and neighbors. Remember that there is no success without risk of failure, no reward without hard work, no opportunity without criticism, and no true leadership without trust in God.


I have faith in you. I believe that, if we are united and our faith is strong, we will overcome this challenge. My prayer tonight is that God strengthens us for the days ahead. When we pray for strength, God always answers.



